
There really isn't much written on this subject. Here are a few places that have said at least something towards it. Most places you look will mostly tell you about acting between the two. Hopefully these will help for feeling beyond that.

A few websites: A professor looks at the differences between the two mediums with one being visual and the other auditory. I personally I think that is too broad a way to categorize it but there is truth to what he says. This is another professor's outline on some of the background of the to mediums. It good information to have.    An excellent resource for all your movie question needs.

A couple blogs: This guy talks about the visual verses auditory aspect some, but he also talks about the elitist nature of the theatre culture today. I don't agree with everything this guy says but I think he's dead on a lot of it. This is a blog written by a playwright turned screen writer. It is a great perspective on the subject.

A couple articles of the popular nature: This is a review from the Star Tribune on the movie version of RENT. I really enjoy the music to that show, but the movie was a little stale. This review is an enjoyable analysis as to why. Now it only makes sense to look at a review from the stage production of RENT. Notice how the theatre critic is concerned with the importance of the theatre and more concerned with the auditory aspects than the visual.

Also two excellent "scholarly" text resources that I have found very helpful:

The Art and Craft of Playwriting by Jeffrey Hatcher and

The Screenwriter's Bible by David Trottier

Both of these can be very helpful in ones attempts to create good art.
I think one of the difficult things about this subject is that no matter how much you talk about it, it doesn't mean much unless you create. Personally I think Solomon had it right when he said "Of many books there is no end and much study wheres the body."